Advantages of using prepaid electricity meters and solutions to problems

1. The Necessity of Using Prepaid Electricity Meters The main characteristics of the current electricity fee marketing management model are: Customers use electricity first and then pay. Due to the objective existence of some users with poor credit, high business risks, and poor economic benefits, the electricity fee marketing management model of "customers use electricity first and then pay" makes it inevitable that electricity fee recovery is difficult. With the increasing pressure on funds and the assessment of the electricity fee recovery rate of users and the balance of electricity fees receivable from users at the end of the month, new power marketing models and methods must be adopted. The most effective and simplest way to solve the problems of difficult meter reading and fee collection is to use prepaid electricity meters that require payment first and then electricity usage. 2. Main Problems to be Solved With the development of electronic technology and the application of computer control and management technology in various industries, IC cards have been widely used in the financial and other fields due to their advantages of large storage capacity, good confidentiality, portability, and reusability. As a product of this era, card-type prepaid electricity meters technologically meet the increasingly high requirements of the rapidly developing power industry for the measurement, control, and management of electrical energy. These requirements are mainly manifested in: (1) Solving the problem of difficult fee collection Solve the problem of difficult fee collection. Make electrical energy a true commodity and ensure reliable guarantee for the recovery of funds. Users need to pay the fee in advance before using electrical energy, and then they can use the purchased electrical energy. (2) Helping the property solve the problem of capital shortage Because of the prepaid management, users pay the electricity fee first and then use the electricity. In this way, the property can always occupy the funds of the electricity that the users want to purchase, and the property can use this part of the funds for other purposes. (3) No need for electricians to read meters It saves a lot of manpower and material resources. It is not necessary to arrange electricians to visit and read meters frequently every month. It is only necessary to arrange electricians to regularly check whether the prepaid electricity meters are normal, and not too frequently. Moreover, the data records are more, more accurate, and more convenient to use. (4) No need to collect electricity fees door-to-door Because users pay first and then use electricity, users need to go to the property to pay and purchase electricity by themselves. It saves time for the property staff not to go to the user's unit to collect fees. (5) Assisting in the collection of property fees, rent, management fees, etc. The method of restricted purchase can be adopted. When users purchase electricity at the property department, the property staff can require users to pay the owed property fees, rent, management fees, etc. first, and then sell electricity to the users. (6) Current power limit and protection of power equipment According to the actual electricity demand of each user, the corresponding power limit can be set. When the user exceeds the set power, the prepaid electricity meter will automatically cut off the power for protection, and then protect the power equipment. (7) Facilitating the overall power capacity control and distribution In the use of prepaid electricity meters, because the prepaid electricity meters themselves have the power control function, each user cannot exceed the set capacity. Therefore, for property power management, it is convenient for the management of the overall power capacity.

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